Garbage Bin Rentals for Businesses

If your business is undertaking any sort of renovation, restoration or cleanup, you should consider using garbage bin rentals from Onestop Disposal. Onestop Disposal has many different, affordable options and dumpster bin sizes available ranging from 5 yard bins all the way up to 20 yard bins. Garbage bin rentals are great for eliminating clutter, cutting costs and reducing labour. Here are some of the many reasons why you should not only consider using garbage bin rentals, but you should consider using garbage bin rentals from Onestop Disposal.

Why use garbage bin rentals for your business?

One of the most time-consuming areas for businesses is the cleanup associated with large projects that often result in extensive amounts of garbage and junk. One of the best ways to minimize cleanup time is through garbage bin rentals. Garbage bin rentals save time by reducing the amount of trips made to the junkyard or landfill; furthermore, garbage bins help organize all of the waste so that it is easy to transport. Using garbage bin rentals for the organization of garbage also eliminates the need to load up company or employee vehicles with all junk that could cause damage.

Should you rent a garbage bin when cleaning out your office?

Why rent garbage bins from One Stop Disposal?

Now that you’re familiar with the benefits of garbage bin rentals, it’s time to consider the right garbage bin rental company for your business. Many junk removal companies use a “foot-in-the-door” approach where they pitch you on an attractive quote that often ends up being much more expensive than you initially projected due to several hidden fees and charges. At Onestop Disposal, the initial quote you’re given is exactly what you pay in the end. There are no hidden fees, no hidden charges and equipment costs are all included.

Learn how a bin lid can help prevent illegal dumping.

Unlike other disposal bin rental companies, Onestop Disposal doesn’t require an equipment deposit and charges you based on per metric ton as opposed to space volume. Onestop Disposal’s competitive pricing and larger garbage bins (25-50% larger) allow your business to save big. On top of all this, our team of trained professionals will do all of the cleanup work for you, allowing your employees to focus their time on other projects.

If you have any questions about garbage bin rentals for businesses, we’re happy to help answer them! Please give us a call at 604-613-5271 or contact us through our website. We provide trash removal and recycling services all throughout the Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver area. Contact us today!